About Downtown Freehold

A Historic and Thriving Community Hub.

There are downtowns – and then there are Downtowns. Downtown Freehold has always been the nucleus for activity and enjoyment; Downtown Freehold continues, after more than two and a half centuries, to be the central gathering place for Western Monmouth County.

In pursuit of these goals, Downtown Freehold is committed to inviting and collaborating with all members of the public and private sectors who share this vision to build a Partnership that creates and implements an action-oriented plan to realize these goals.

Downtown Freehold is comprised of dedicated professionals who pledge their efforts, ideas and time to sustaining a pro-active organization that addresses concerns and challenges as they may arise, and to create a thriving and safe downtown for all to enjoy, all year long.

In 1991, Downtown Freehold received a priceless gift of renewal and stewardship in the formation of The Freehold Center Management Corporation, a nonprofit entity born from the prior Downtown Freehold Business and Professional Association or Freehold Merchants Association, and later assigned to manage the municipality’s Special Improvement District.

The Freehold Center Management Corporation is founded upon the recognition that Downtown Freehold is the heart of Freehold Borough, and Western Monmouth County. Downtown Freehold works on behalf of all those who live, work or invest in the Downtown to achieve the following goals: Foster the downtown’s economic development, Encourage the downtown’s revitalization, Preserve the downtown’s historic past.

Our Board of Directors


Chairperson: Mike Federici, Federici’s Family Restaurant; Commercial Property Owner

Vice Chairperson: Norma Alicea, Amboy Bank; Commercial Property Owner

Treasurer: Anthony Cammallere, T&K Contractors; Commercial Property Owner

Interim Secretary: Marlene Rogala, Especially For You Florist & Gift Shop; Business Owner- Past Chairperson

Immediate Past Chairperson: Jean Holtz; Resident

Board Members

Lazaro Cardenas, Esq., Patel, Soltis, Cardenas, & Boost; Business Owner

Marianne Earle, The Earle Companies; Resident- Past Chairperson

Dave Esquenazi, Aurum Events & Catering; Business Owner

Robert Gerrity, Immediate Appliance; Resident

Rob Kash, Metropolitan Café; Commercial Property Owner- Past Chairperson

Paul Nebb, Titan Technologies; Commercial Property Owner

Mike Page, The Court Jester; Business Owner- Past Chairperson

Kholoud Marzuq-Alsaleh, Columbia Bank; Commercial Property Owner


Councilwoman Annette Jordan

Mayor Kevin Kane/ Business Administrator Steve Gallo

County Commissioner Director Thomas Arnone, Monmouth County Board of Chosen Commissioners

Teri O’Connor, Monmouth County Administrator

Chief Chris Colaner, Freehold Borough Police Department

Lazaro Cardenas Esq., Latino Coalition of Monmouth County

Shannon Eadon, Monmouth County Historical Association

Management Staff

Jeffrey J. Friedman Esq., Executive Director/Business Advocate/ Custodian of Records

Dru-Anne Palaima, Event & Marketing Director

Nolan K. Dodd, Event & Marketing Coordinator

External Consultants

Thomas S. Taylor, Landscape & Streetscape Consultant; Taylor & Taylor Landscape Services

Alexander Gribtsov, Digital Modernization Consultant; iTechnology LLC

Dru Sutton, Video Marketing Consultant; Shore Point Productions

Jim Rodgers, Electrical & Lighting Consultant; Central Jersey Electrical Contractors LLC

2025-26 Annual Budget & Meeting Schedule

Click here for the 2025-26 Budget

Click here for the 2025-26 Meeting Schedule

Click here for the 2023-24 Audit

Click here for Current By-Laws w/approved changes

2024-25 Annual Budget & Meeting Schedule

Click here for the 2024-25 Approved Budget

Click Here for the 2024-25 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule

Click here for the 2022-23 Audit


Downtown Freehold Property & Business owners please be aware of the updates to the Borough’s design standards and procedures for all buildings. facades, and improvements made in the Downtown Business District. These changes apply to all exterior changes to a building or improvement in the district including signs, storefronts design, fences, and facades. Please review before undertaking any project that effects the exterior of your property or business.

Updated Design Standards- 2019 Center Core Rehabilitation Plan: Click Here to View 

Updated Review Process For All Exterior Changes: Click Here to View 

To request access to public records, please use the OPRA form provided here.