Parking Regulations & Fee Schedule

Parking Overview Map Free Parking Map

* All Parking Lots North of Main Street are Free. (Time limits and permit only parking may apply.)

* Market Yard, McGackin, & Borough Hall Parking Lots.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.- paid parking $2 an hour.

All other days and times are free parking up to 4 hours without a permit or validation.

* On Street Parking

On Street parking is paid parking from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 7 days a week.

East Main Street– Center Street to South Street.

West Main Street- Court Street to Throckmorton Street.

South Street– Mechanics Street to East Main Street.

Court Street– West Main Street to Lafayette Place. 

Pay by using one of the Kiosk’s located around Downtown or download the flowbird app for apple or android devices.

Visit their website here: Flowbird App

For more information please visit: The Borough of Freehold Parking Utility